
Special Report 

on the Global Information Systems Outage on July 19, 2024

The SmiaTECH platform monitored the major incident that affected information systems around the world and its impact on the vital sectors of countries. It also provides important clarifications from experts who are members of the Federation of Information Technology and Outsourced Services.

The monitoring was conducted with cybersecurity experts from the Federation of Information Technology from the first moments of the server shutdowns controlling information systems worldwide. The blue screen of death, which terrifies all systems engineers, appeared. Information systems stopped functioning in various regions of the world, notably at some airports and vital institutions. The question arose: was it a technical problem or a cyberattack capable of paralyzing vital institutions worldwide?

The Smart Media Initiative for Africa followed this event and contacted various experts from Moroccan companies that are members of the Federation of Information Technology. They were analyzing the situation while waiting for a statement from the National Defense Directorate, which officially confirmed what our experts had indicated. Among the important clarifications was one from Mr. Hamza El Warraq, an expert and the general manager of TECHSO Group, who was a guest on the 2 PM news bulletin on July 19 on Medi1 TV. He answered questions from journalist Mohamed Bourois, the head of the news bulletin. You can watch the interview via the following link:


First Explanatory Article: by Expert Hamza El Warraq on the Impact of the Technical Outage on Vital Sectors Worldwide

Due to the limited time allocated for his interview in the television news bulletin, Mr. Hamza El Warraq provided SmiaTECH platform with an additional detailed explanation in French:


Second Explanatory Article in Three Languages: by Expert Jamal Jassour, President of the Cybersecurity & Privacy Forum

We also contacted expert Jamal Jassour, president of the “Cybersecurity & Privacy Forum”, who provided us with an important report in three languages: English, French, and Arabic.

Link to Jamal Jassour’s article:

French Article Title: Chaos Informatique : Les pannes de CrowdStrike et Microsoft Paralysent le Monde : https://smiatech.com/2024/07/22/jamal-jessour-president-de-cybersecurity-and-privacy-forum/

Link to Jamal Jassour’s Article:

English Article Title: Global Tech Chaos: CrowdStrike and Microsoft Outage:https://smiatech.com/2024/07/22/jamal-jessour-president-of-cybersecurity-and-privacy-forum/

 : Arabic Article TitleDisrupt the World


Article N° 3: Azzeddine RAMRAMIExplanations & Advice to Avoid the Damage from the CrowdStrike Outage: https://smiatech.com/2024/07/26/azzeddine-ramrami-explications-conseils-pour-eviter-les-degats-du-bug-crowdstrike/


Information Note: from the General Directorate of National Defense – General Directorate of Information System Security – Monitoring, Detection, and Response Center to Cyber Attacks:

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